Thursday, 29 May 2014

Minutes of NUJ-Star 2014 BGM

In accordance with Rule 30 of NUJ Malaysia’s Rules and Constitution, the NUJ-Star committee convened a branch BGM at the Cyberhub in Menara Star, 15, Jalan 16/11, Petaling Jaya.

By 3.40pm, a quorum of *47 had been reached. The meeting was attended by *49 members.

Chairperson’s Address

NUJ-Star branch chairperson Ariffuddin Ishak welcomed the members.He gave a brief speech introducing the new branch committee members, as well as acknowledging that there’s a contest for the Chairman position this round, between Christina Low and Brian Moh Boon Leng.

1. Christina Low (Proposed by Lim Chia Ying, seconded by Adeline Ngui)
2. Brian Moh Boon Leng (Proposed by Samuel Ong, seconded by Jarod Lim Jian Yang)

Casting of votes started since 10am and will run until 4pm. There are no representative from NUJ Exco.

Ariffuddin also explained that some of the current committee members are stepping down to make way for the new committee members, and they would be happy to assist the new committee in any NUJ related matters in the future.

Confirmation and adoption of the minutes of the 2012 BGM

There was no debate on the minutes and Choong Mek Zhin proposed that the minutes be adopted and Tham Lai Yoong seconded it.

Confirmation and adoption of the Secretary’s Report

There was no debate on the report. Yuen Mei Keng proposed that the Secretary’s Report be adopted. Austin Camoens seconded it.

Confirmation and adoption of the Treasurer’s Report

There was no debate on the report. Michelle Tam proposed that the Treasurer’s Report be adopted, and Low Boon Tat seconded.

Discussion of motions to the NUJ Biennial Delegates Conference (BDC)

Ariffuddin explained that during the nominations for election of the branch committee, the members were asked to submit motions to be presented at the BDC but none were sent in. Therefore, no motions were debated, but Ariffuddin said members could submit their motions to the new committee later on.

Proposed budget for next two years

Ariffuddin projected a 2-year-budget (2014-2016) prepared by Treasurer Lim Chia Ying. The proposed budget has an income of RM10940, to be collected from member subscriptions and car sticker sales.

Election of Branch Scrutineers

1. Tham Lai Yoong (Proposed by Adeline Ngui, seconded by Lim Chia Ying)
2. Nurbaiti Hamdan (Proposed by Christina Low, seconded by Lee Yen Mun)
3. Yuen Mei Keng (Proposed by Lee Yen Mun, seconded by Norafifi Ehsan)
4. Sum Li Ching (Proposed by Adeline Ngui, seconded by Lim Chia Ying)
5. Jane Wong Siew Kin (Proposed by Lim Chia Ying, seconded by Ariffuddin Ishak)

Lee Yen Mun proposed the nominations to be closed and was seconded by Christina Low.

Election of Internal Auditors

1. Kng Zheng Guan (Proposed by Qishin Tariq, seconded by Lim Chia Ying)
2. Jarod Lim Jian Yang (Proposed by Lim Chia Ying, seconded by Adeline Ngui)

Nurbaiti Hamdan propsed the nominations to be closed and was seconded by Jastin Tarmizi.

General comments and proposals

Most comments mentioned are suggestions for the new committee members to include in the up and coming Collective Agreement.

1. Brian Moh Boon Leng suggested that photographers can claim for photos taken during free time (at the moment, they can not claim as it they were told that it’s their job). He said if photographers do it sincerely out of passion and own initiative, they should be allowed to claim as it isn’t part of their assignments.

2. Qishin Tariq mentioned some journalists are denied claims for writing for Opinion columns. He suggested the committee to check with Star HR Department on this matter.

3. Michelle Tam proposed the company to have ‘hazard allowance’ for journalists assigned in such area.

4. Qishin Tariq asked about the delineation of online vs news staff.

5. Brian Moh proposed for triple pay for overtime claim on public holiday.

6. Austin Camoens asked for an update on NUJ-Star website as it appeared to have been hacked. Adeline explained that the hacked website is no longer in used, and the new website is now

7. Fadzul suggested an increase of N1 night allowance (RM7.50) vs N2 (RM14.50).

Ariffuddin  said the new committee will take all these into consideration and bring it up to the management in the new CA. 

Announcement of Election Results

At 4pm, ballot box was opened and votes counted behind closed doors, in front of the scrutineers. The results are as followed:
1. Total number of members entitled to vote: 152
2. Total number of ballot papers issued: 152
3. Total number of ballot papers returned: 69
4. Votes rejected: 3
5. Votes for Christina = 60, votes for Brian Moh Boon Leng = 6

NUJ-Star Committee for 2014 - 2016:
Chairperson: Christina Low (with contest)
Vice-Chairman: Choong Mek Zhin (nomination unopposed)
Secretary: Qishin Tariq (nomination unopposed)
Assistant Secretary: Rashvinjeet Bedi (nomination unopposed)
Treasurer: Lee Yen Mun (nomination unopposed)

Committee members: Yap Chee Hong (nomination unopposed)
                                   Jastin Ahmad Tarmizi (nomination unopposed)

Ariffuddin explained that there are still 4 vacancies for committee members. The new committee members will recruit more reps as they go along. 

Delegates to the 18th BDC

Christina Low
Choong Mek Zhin
Qishin Tariq
Lee Yen Mun
Rashvinjeet Bedi
Yap Chee Hong
Jastin Ahmad Tarmizi
Yuen Mei Keng
Nurbaiti Hamdan
Tham Lai Yoong

Adjournment of BGM

Sum Li Ching proposed that the meeting ends and Norafifi Ehsan seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 5pm.

Minutes prepared by:

Qishin Tariq  (in-coming Secretary)
Adeline Ngui (out-going Asst. Secretary)

Results of the election for new NUJ-Star Chairman


Christina Low = 60 votes 
Brian Moh Boon Leng = 6 votes


New chairman: Christina Low

1. Total number of members entitled to vote: 152
2. Total number of ballot papers issued: 152
3. Total number of ballot papers returned: 69
4. Votes rejected: 3

Congrats to Christina and thanks to all who participated!

The ballot box is opened in front of the scrutineers and auditor
Votes counting :)
Postal votes from bureaus
There were also spoilt votes

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Thursday, 1 May 2014

NUJ Star BGM 2014

To: All NUJ-Star Members

Saudara/ Saudari

Re: NUJ-Star Branch Biennial General Meeting.

Pursuant to Rule 30 of the Union Constitution, the NUJ-Star Branch will hold its Biennial General Meeting on May 29, 2014.

In accordance with Rule 30.2, a notice to all members calling for the Bennial General Meeting, calling for motions for discussion at the meeting, nomination for election of principal office bearers and delegates must reach the branch secretary by May 14.

Nomination shall be open for the following positions:
- Chairman
- Vice-Chairman
- Secretary
- Assistant Secretary
- Treasurer
- Committee Members (six positions)

Nomination forms shall be obtained from the Branch Chairman (Ariffuddin Ishak from mStar) upon request.

Please refer to the Branch Chairman ( or Branch Secretary ( for any clarification.

Thank you.

On behalf of the NUJ-Star Committee.

Ariffuddin Ishak,
Chairman NUJ-Star